Potted Plants

As a producer of potted plants for sale in retail you are well aware that quality is the alpha and omega. To produce sellable potted plants, control of climate, irrigation & fertilization and LED grow lights in your commercial greenhouse essential. Our automatic controller technology makes sure that you achieve the full yield potential from your production and that you can easily monitor and adjust all climate factors – also if you produce different cultures at the same time under the same roof or have multiple greenhouses and locations.

SuperLink collects all data in one place

DGT by Senmatic delivers Electronic Climate Controls, LED Grow Lights, Irrigation & Fertilizer Mixers as well as our software SuperLink that connects all data from all sources in one location. SuperLink provides a real-time overview, while it also provides historical data presented in graphs to make sure that you can utilize your performance history and knowledge to evaluate when cultures are ready for sale. That gives you the full overview of production times and enables you to make sure that cultures are ready in due time. SuperLink collects all information on irrigation, fertilization, grow lights, and climate.

Growers of today are busy and often manage greenhouses in multiple locations. Through intelligent control of processes in SuperLink, all data is collected from all compartments in all locations via one central PC. From here, you can make settings for the different climate factors, use performance history to optimize energy consumption and heat consumption, distribute your employees in the most optimal manner based on data – and so much more. Put differently, you can control your entire business from the central PC or directly from the climate units placed in the nurseries – the AMI Penta Mixer and LCC panels.

Take advantage of plant reaction times to save energy

It is known that plant accumulation times – or reaction times – are between 48 hours and 72 hours. That means that plants do not react on, for instance, the light to which they are exposed until it has taken place over at least 48 hours; knowledge, which we have made sure that you can utilize in our climate control software with the function Average Temperature Control to obtain optimal temperature with the lowest possible energy consumption.

With Average Temperature Control, the system acts with certain temperatures during a period of 48 hours. All you need to do is enter a minimum temperature and a maximum temperature based on what the culture can handle. You then enter an average temperature. Is, for example, 16 degrees Celsius the minimum temperature the culture tolerates, while, for instance, the maximum temperature is 26 degrees Celsius the culture tolerates, you enter these values. You then enter an average temperature – e.g., 19 degrees Celsius. The computer will then automatically work to reach the average temperature of 19 degrees in the period of 48 hours by, and will, during that period, have reached both 19 degrees Celsius at night and 26 degrees Celsius during the day.

Doing so, you save energy by taking advantage of the low temperatures at night and the higher temperatures during the day.

Growth regulation without chemistry: Blue light is the secret to success

Roses are red, violets are blue, it is said. But other plants can benefit from the red and blue colours as well. Blue and red LED light have proven particularly effective when it comes to speeding production times and optimizing plants, a study on Osteospermum carried out by DGT by Senmatic and a Danish nursery shows.

Read the case

Energy savings with LED

The Danish greenhouse PKM, one of Scandinavia’s largest flower producers, uses LED grow lights from DGT by Senmatic to reduce energy consumption and maintain high plant quality.

Read the case

Find the relevant specialist here

Contact a specialist from DGT by Senmatic to get tailored guidance for your horticultural department. Our team of experts are ready to help you optimize your nursery with sustainable technology solutions.

Morten Hjorth

Global Sales Manager

Kristoffer Hvalsøe

Key Account Manager

Søren Bro Christensen

Technical Support

Sandra Lehmann-Larsen

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Potted Plants


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