Get your mechanical greenhouse equipment ready for winter

Winter is approaching and it’s time to inspect mechanical equipment before the colder months. We recommend checking your gearmotors, rack and pinions and heating valves. While you’re at it, you should also take a second look at your RTF sensor.

We are now entering the heating season and your heating valves are going to work. That’s why it’s important to make sure they work and that they open and close as intended. Turn the heat up and down a few times to see if the valve is opening and closing correctly. By exercising your valves, you prevent them from getting stuck – the same goes for circulation pumps. Remember that the system will always sound an alarm if the temperature or humidity rises or falls undesirably, for example as a result of a faulty heating valve or circulation pump.

Your gear motors and racks should also be inspected. By inspecting these parts, you minimize the risk of them failing while the windows are open, which can potentially be very detrimental to production during the cold months. Listen for noises on gears and racks for both curtains and windows and consider whether the racks need lubrication.

While you’re doing your winter check, it’s a good idea to check your RTF sensor – the bucket for humidity and temperature, and possibly CO2. If the temperature reading is wrong, you risk venting at a lower temperature than intended.

Your winter check helps ensure the growth conditions in your production. If you want to buy new mechanical parts, you are of course welcome to contact us.

Read also: “How to choose the right climate control solution?”

Read also: Products for Mechanical Climate Control

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