Bio-mixer developed in collaboration with customers in Germany and Austria

Gartenbau Krebs in Loxstedt-Bexhövede in Germany is a producer of small plants, and when he wanted an AMI Penta mixer that could irrigate with biomass. he contacted our German dealer TSG Gewächshaustechnik.

The same was the case for Blumen Plettig KG in Stallhofen, Austria. He did not know about DGT by Senmatic beforehand, but was recommended our fertilizer mixer by another customer. Blumen Plettig KG produces perennials and also wanted to be able to irrigate with biomass.

Both customers needed to add microorganisms or plant strengthening agents that do not change the EC value of the irrigation water. The dosage needed to be proportional to the amount of irrigation water and needed to be controlled automatically for each culture via the fertilizer mixer. EC cannot be used when applying microorganisms because it is applied with ordinary fresh water, where EC is low. But with the bio-venturi – which was later developed – the fertilizer can be completely controlled because it regulates as if it were an EC value just in percent. It doses proportionally to the water flow.

Customers expected to achieve precise dosing of irrigation water and time savings due to the elimination of manual application.

Through a collaboration between DGT by Senmatic, TSG Gewächshaustechnik and customers, the development of a bio-venturi that could meet these requirements began.

The bio-venturi mixers have been running since early 2020 – a few months at the time of writing – and both customers have found the following:

  • A very easy and hassle-free handling of the controller.
  • A very precise dosage.
  • A significant time saving when using bio-fertilizers.

Both Gartenbau Krebs and Blumen Plettig KG are obviously very satisfied with the collaboration with TSG and DGT by Senmatic, and not least with the choice of an AMI Penta Bio-mixer.

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