Spisa Smaker AB – formerly Swedeponic
The Swedish company Spisa Smaker AB is Europe’s largest producer of herbs. Production on this scale requires very high electricity utilization and after testing a number of LED solutions, Spisa Smaker AB chose to invest in FL300 Grow from DGT by Senmatic.
No downsides
In a large full-scale trial, the FL300 resulted in a 48% reduction in electricity consumption without compromising production growth or taste. With savings like these, many growers would expect to experience losses on other fronts, but this is not the case with the FL300.
Spisa Smakers UK’s Managing Director Patrick Bastow says: “No, we couldn’t spot any disadvantages. Nor did we see a need to increase the heating in greenhouses with LED lighting to compensate for the loss of infrared heat radiation that normally results from the use of high pressure sodium lamps.”
The installation at Spisa Smaker is another example of a successful large-scale LED installation that has reduced electricity consumption while producing high-quality plants. The system is used in four of Spisa Smaker’s facilities, and each installation has a tailored focus – from producing tasty, high-quality herbs to enhancing the red color in certain lettuce varieties.
Ulf Jonsson, CEO of Spisa Smaker, says:
“When the FL300 system was used at the same light intensity as traditional high pressure sodium lamps, it provided an energy saving of 48%.”